Lesley and Ken's cactus flowers after the hail. No problem!

Checking Diane and Mike's plants: Small damages and haildrifts - but no problems.

Just got home from the beach. Here's June with a hand full of hail from Mike & Diane's garden.

Sunday the 20.th september 2009 we were at the Carabassí Beach. Both the air and the water were nice with temperatures about 24. We could see a thunder storm growing over Alicante with black skyes, lightnings and rain. It looked like it was coming towards Santa Pola, so after a short swim we decided to get back to our house. 

That was a good decision, becouse we only just got back and upstairs, when the first raindrops fell. And it didn't take long - seconds rather than minutes actually - before we experienced the worst hail storm that we have ever seen in our lives!
It's quite an experience to be in the south of Spain in September - a time when it should still be nice warm and sunny - having to seek shelter in your house while hails the size of walnuts are hammering on your roof, windows and everything outdoors, making a noise beyond imagination. Quite scaring!

All of a sudden it stops as quick as it came - maybe just 10 minutes after it started - or even less. And you ask yourself was that it? Is it safe to go out now? And yes - there's no more. With caution you go out to inspect the damages - finding trees with broken branches, cars and street lamps decorated with dents, leaves and debris every where. Drifts of crushed ice - not snow - here and there in the corners - quickly melting away. And if it wasn't for the pictures - who would believe you?